Below are lists of recommended resources for further study compiled by the speaker from each conference, along with video recordings of the speeches where available.
May God richly bless your studies!
October 23, 2024
Not a burden, but an encouragement
Pastor Eric Onderwater
Margaret Casar
(Books that have positively impacted Margaret's walk with the Lord, but don't necessarily pertain to the topic of the study day.)
Knowing God, by JI Packer
The Gospel According to Jesus, by John MacArthur
Willing to Believe, by RC Sproul
Recommended at the conference:
Preparing Him for the Other Woman, by Sheri Rose Shepherd
Video recordings are now on our YouTube channel!
April 6, 2024
Tears in Heaven:
Imaging God with our Emotions
Karen Vandeburgt
Anatomy of the Soul: The Deepest Place, by Curt Thompson
Untangling Emotions, by J. Alasdair Groves and Winston T. Smith
The Cry of the Soul, by Dan Allender and Tremper Longman III
Angry with God, by Brad Hambrick
Emotionally Healthy Relationships, by Peter and Geri Scazzero
The Emotions of God, by David T. Lamb
Karen's Blog:
October 18, 2023
Prepared: Communicating hope through gospel-centered living
Pastor Hilmer Jagersma & Nicole Vanderee
Biblical Literacy:
Women of the Word, by Jen Wilkin
Ten Words to Live By, by Jen Wilkin
You are a Theologian, by Jen Wilkin & Jt English
Every Day Theology (adult and teen workbook), by Mary Wiley
None Like Him, by Jen Wilkin
In His Image, by Jen Wilkin
Surviving Religion 101, by Michael Kruger
10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask About Christianity, by Rebecca McLaughlin
Confronting Christianity, by Rebecca McLaughlin
Mama Bear Apologetics, by Hillary Morgan Ferrar
Holy Sexuality and the Gospel, by Christopher Yuan
Do Ask, Do tell, Let’s Talk, by Brad Hambrick
The Secret thoughts of an Unlikely Convert, by Rosaria Butterfield
Women of the Word
Unshaken Faith
Knowing Faith
Alisa Childers
Reformed Talk
Maven Parent Podcast
Gospel in Life
Kids Resources for teaching children:
First Catechism (Great Commission Publication)
New City Children’s Catechism (For older children)
Tiny Theologians (
- Tiny Systematics
- Adventure through the Old Testament
- Christ at the Center Card Set
- The Gospel Changes Everything (30 devotionals for families)
The Ology, by Marty Machowski
Arlo and the Great Big Cover Up (Sin, repentance and forgiveness)
Sammy and His Shepherd- Seeing Jesus in Psalm 23, by Susan Hunt
Cold Case Christianity, Forensic Faith, God’s Crime Scene, by J Warner Wallace
The Good Book Company (note these books picture Jesus in human form)
- The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross (great book to read for Easter and a great teaching tool on the thread that runs throughout scripture “because of your sin you cannot come it”)
- Say Goodbye to Goodbyes (A beautiful reminder that death doesn’t have to be a forever goodbye, because Jesus came to end goodbyes)
- Jesus and the Lion’s Den (The story of Daniel and how it points us to Jesus)
- The Storm that Stopped (A true story about who Jesus really is -GOD)
- A Friend who Forgives (The story of Peter’s failure and Jesus’ forgiveness)
- The Awesome Super Fantastic Forever Party (A true story about Heaven, Jesus and the Best Invitation of all)
R.C. Sproul
(These books would be more for school aged children, I have not had the chance to read through them all but they are on display for you to peruse)
- The Donkey who carried a King
- The Priest with Dirty Clothes (Christ’s righteousness for our sin)
- The Prince’s Poison Cup (Jesus’ drinks the cup of God’s wrath)
- The Knights Map (Scripture is true and trustworthy and points us to Jesus)
- The Lightlings (Jesus, the Light of the World, shines in the darkness)
Podcasts for Kids
Tiny theologians
Maven Podcast
Foundations Worldview
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